Home Learning Weekly Tasks for Year 1
Now that schools have been closed from Friday 20th March we will be uploading activitiy outlines for the children to work through. Please click on the links below for your child's class. If they finish this work there are other ideas that can be worked on - click this link.
Please take pictures and videos of the children working and send us them via twitter so we can celebrate the children's work and the children can see what their friends are doing! tghe teacher will be phoning through the week to check how the children are getting on and looks forward to hearing about their learning. Contact the school office via email, marking F.A.O. Ms Coulter if you have work related questions. (admin@fleet.camden.sch.uk)
Optional Easter Homelearing ideas and projects to keep busy
The Easter holidays this year will be very different with the lockdown conditions in place. We will not be setting the weekly tasks over this period - teachers need to take some time out too from what has been a stressful and difficult time for everyone - but if you are looking for some ideas to keep the children occupied we have lots of ideas on the website for you. You can find some on this page as well as more general ideas using this link and scrolling to the bottom.
Year 1 Easter Holiday Fun Activities
Homelearning tasks and resources for week beginning 23rd March
Year 1 - home Learning Task List w.b. 23rd March 2020
Homelearning tasks and resources for week beginning 16th March
Year 1 - home Learning Task List part 1 - w.b. 16th March 2020