
    At Fleet Primary School, we believe that physical activity is an integral part of a child's education. We intend to foster a love for physical activity through high quality teaching and an integrated whole school approach. We encourage our children to lead healthy, active lives by making explicit links between physical health and mental health.

    We believe that physical confidence and enjoyment are at the heart of making progress and we work hard to ensure that all our pupils are able to participate safely, effectively and feel success. We understand that every child is different and tailor activities to their needs by planning and implementing inclusive lessons which challenge every pupil. Through focusing on participation over competition, we create an unintimidating space where every child can thrive.

    Our PE curriculum aims to provide pupils with the necessary understanding and skills to take part in a wide range of physical activities. Focusing on the skills, rather than the sport, gives children a solid foundation and equips them to play any sport in the future.

    Our pupils are given responsibility and ownership for their learning and are taught the importance of communicating effectively, playing fairly and supporting and encouraging one another. They are taught the importance of individual and collaborative success.


    At Fleet Primary we ensure the children are receiving a high quality physical education through:

    • Twice weekly physical education lessons delivered by a specialist P.E coach and their classroom teacher
    • Broad curriculum coverage incorporating fundamental movement skills, balls skills, gymnastics, dance and health and fitness
    • Daily mile for 15 minutes 3 times a week
    • PSHE lessons on health and well-being
    • Opportunities to represent the school in competitive and non-competitive events including football, multi-sports and basketball
    • Intensive swimming lesson blocks for year 4-6
    • Termly Arsenal football sessions
    • Lunch time and after school sports clubs – Bloomsbury football, table tennis, girls multi-sports etc.
    • Dance workshops linking to the children’s class topics
    • Termly class assemblies which include learning a dance routine
    • Annual sports day on Hampstead Heath
    • Annual fun run
    • Active participants in Camdena and London cross-school competitions in football, dodgeball, cross-country, swimming, gymnastics, basketball etc. 


    Through P.E, the children will:

    • Participate in a wide range of sports and activities
    • Develop stamina, suppleness, strength and speed
    • Communicate respectfully
    • Collaborate effectively – including fair play
    • Develop fine and gross motor skills, hand-eye co-ordination and control over their bodies
    • Develop the skills to collaborate and work well in a team
    • Develop confidence in applying skills to different sports
    • Gain experience in competitive and non-competitive events
    • Be given ownership and responsibility
    • Expressive themselves
    • Analyse and evaluate

    Through P.E, teachers will:

    • Model positive attitudes to sports and physical activity
    • Encourage active participation and engagement
    • Plan engaging and challenging lessons for all children
    • Celebrate children’s success and personal achievements in sports and physical activity
    • Provide children with the freedom to make their own decisions

    To find out more about the P.E. and Sports Premium spending, please see the document below.

    P.E. and sports premium